Collection: Liz Toole


Liz definitely loves painting birds on wood. Her first ever exhibition following her degree in 2002 was paintings of birds on wood! Liz's main inspiration is from a 17 month trip working and travelling in Africa following her degree in ceramics. It was here she felt like she rediscovered nature and birds. Having no access to clay Liz concentrated on drawing and painting.

Once the wood she has collected is dried out in her studio for a few weeks (months for very large pieces) it is lightly sanded so not to take too much of the character of the wood away. Liz usually focuses on 2 or 3 different breeds of birds at a time, making exact pencil drawings of them. Through, continually re-drawing and designing the characters they quite often become their own birds, or 'Liz Toole Birds ' as she calls them.

5 products
  • Heading to the beach
    Heading to the beach
    Liz Toole
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  • Cordelia the starling
    Cordelia the starling
    Liz Toole
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  • Bronwyn the curlew
    Bronwyn the curlew
    Liz Toole
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  • Wynne the curlew
    Wynne the curlew
    Liz Toole
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  • Miranda the curlew
    Miranda the curlew
    Liz Toole
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